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Our reach


E.S.M.Canada is the only school offering players, affiliated or not, the experience of international tournaments. Through these, it joins each time:

  • 25 000 Canadian and international spectators over a 10-day period;

  • Clubs of international renown (F.C. Barcelona, ​​Juventus, Chelsea, Sporting, Benfica, Porto and many more);

  • The family of our players (parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins);

We also join players, their families and friends, spectators during training and friendly matches, the general public passionate about soccer on our social networks, on our website, in the media (television, print) and in the community (fundraising events).


Thanks to our partners

Entretien Tima
Makkina Lux
Victor Hugo Pereira, Xperto Hypothèque